Anyway, I didn't have a whole lot to say, but wanted to post something, so I decided to include my response to a recent reader's comment about the last book. This person thought I might have been stretching it a bit when I had the character "Kid" understand what was going on with Gil. I don't want to give anything away for those who haven't read the book, but this reader thought the concept I presented was a little out there, but like I mentioned at the beginning of the book, and to this reader, the "supernatural" occurrences in the books are based on reality.
In this case, God will let others "read our mail" in some instances. Check out part of the response I shared with the reader: (For those who haven't read Third Watch yet, you may want to stop here. This is a Spoiler Alert)
I got the idea to have Kid understand the language after I heard a minister say he had been on a trip to a foreign country. The man assigned to take care of the minister did not speak English, but his wife did and was also the minister's interpreter. The minister said the whole time he was there, he never heard the man speak English, only his wife. When Sunday service rolled around, the minister said the man got up in the pulpit to welcome him and said in perfect English, something like "praise be to the most high". The minister turns to the wife and says "why have you been doing all the speaking? I thought he didn't speak English.". The wife said, "he doesn't. English is his prayer language. That's how I know when something is on his heart."
You can't make this stuff up people! LolGo with God and have a great day.