First, let me apologize for the long break, but you will be happy to know that I put the time to good use. I finished my script (yay me!) and I'm plowing away on book #4 in the Good News Series, LONG NIGHT. I hope to have the book ready for the holidays. Pray for me. And I've got a couple of other projects I'm working on but I was worn out. I'll be honest with you, I was starting to feel like there was no use in any of it (writing) but God gave me my second wind and now I feel like I can focus clearly and move ahead. If you're feeling the same way, I wrote a little something the other day that might encourage you to keep pushing.(see below) Whatever you're going through, hang in there. Know that God has your back and has already gone ahead of you to prepare a better place.
"For I know the thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord. Thoughts of good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11
God Bless
Believe Again
Whatever didn't work last time, whatever you stopped in the middle of because you came up against too many obstacles, whatever mountain didn't move out of your way...try it again. It CAN happen. Pull yourself together then pull that dream out of the back of the closet and get reacquainted with it. Spend some time with it and fall in love again. Clean it up and place it where you can see it. Then, take a deep breath and hear it? It sounds like the wind blowing through the trees but it's really God breathing life back into your dead thing. I know it didn't work last time but try it again. I mean full out - GO FOR IT. I didn't say it would be easy or quick but it is POSSIBLE.
Believe Again.
Copyright 2011 Audrey McKay