Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just Checking In

Hello readers! Well, it's official. I have my Master's Degree in Entertainment Business (yay me!) I finished the program about the same time that I finished my book, BLIND JUSTICE, the 3rd book in the GOOD NEWS SERIES. I took a little break and then it was back to writing. Im just getting to the end of my second draft for my first screenplay, and I've also started working on the fourth book in the series LONG NIGHT. (No rest for the weary) For those who are interested, this 4th book will focus on the character Terrence - because I've had a few requests to find out more about him. This book should be ready by the holidays (Nov/Dec) Other than that, not too much is going on. I hope you're enjoying your work too. If not, it may be time to make some changes, hmmm? Just a thought. Until next time...